Northern Bicol Federation Rural Banks Completed Microinsurance Training Course

Thirteen rural bank-members of the Northern Bicol Federation participated in the 16th Basic Microinsurance Training Course on December 16-17 at Café Frederico in Naga City. To date, 354 rural bank officers and staff from 168 rural banks have completed the training.

The two-day course is designed to guide and qualify rural banks to properly complete the licensing and approval process prescribed by the Insurance Commission, the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas and the Securities and Exchange Commission. After successful completion of the course training and the examination, participants will be certified as trained by RBAP, qualifying them as microinsurance soliciting officers of their respective banks.

Northern Bicol Federation rural banks represented were: Bangko Rural ng Pasacao, Municipal Rural Bank of Libmanan, Municipal Rural Bank of Nabua, Peñafrancia Rural Bank of Calabanga, Rural Bank of Goa, Rural Bank of Jose Panganiban, Rural Bank of Ocampo, Rural Bank of Paracale, Rural Bank of …

Microinsurance Basic Training Course for Northern Bicol Federation on December 16-17

We are pleased to announce the Microinsurance Basic Training Course for Northern Bicol Federation is scheduled on December 16-17 at Cafe Frederico in Naga City.

This course is designed to help rural banks qualify for licensing as microinsurance agents/brokers in order to market, sell, and service microinsurance services in compliance with BSP Memo Circular 683-2010 and BSP Memo 15-2011.  This training will also provide participants with a step-by-step guide and templates for the licensing and approval process with the Insurance Commission and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

Topics covered will include:

Module 1 >  Fundamentals of Insurance & Microinsurance

Module 2 >  Microinsurance regulations on formalization and responsible sales, marketing and distribution (includes a step-by-step guide with all forms and letters required to comply with microinsurance authorization process)

Module 3 >  Effective Marketing and Service Delivery Standards…

Video: Microinsurance Services of Rural Banks

This video documents the microinsurance efforts of the Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines in partnership with United States Agency for International Development/Philippines through the Microenterprise Access to Banking Services (MABS) Program and the International Labour Organization under the Microinsurance Innovation Facility.

Northwestern Mindanao Rural Bankers Complete the Microinsurance Basic Training Course

The Northwestern Mindanao Federation rural bank members participated in the Microinsurance (MI) Basic Training Course held at the Bethany Gardens Resort in Ozamis City, Misamis Occidental last August 11 and 12. Twenty-two (22) officers and staff from eleven (11) rural banks attended the course which covers the fundamentals of microinsurance, including marketing and servicing of clients.

The two-day MI Basic Training Course is part of the Insurance Commissions requirements for Microinsurance Agent Licensing. In addition, participating banks must also pass the qualifying exam administered at the end of the course and amend the bank’s article of incorporation to include microinsurance as its new service.

The Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines-Microenterprise Access to Banking Services (RBAP-MABS) Program has been assisting the Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation Inc. (RBRDFI) in offering a turn-key solution for rural banks to become licensed microinsurance agents. To facilitate rural bank microinsurance agent licensing applications, …

Luzon Rural Bankers Complete Microinsurance Basic Training Course

Ten rural banks from Luzon attended the Microinsurance Basic Training Course held at the Orchid Garden Hotel in Manila on August 2-3, 2011.  Nineteen (19) of the course participants also successfully completed the qualifying examinations administered at the end of the course, which is the first step to becoming a qualified Microinsurance Soliciting Officer.

The two-day training covers the fundamentals of microinsurance, marketing and servicing. One of the tools used in the training is the Microinsurance Agent Tool Kit which includes all the requirements from the Insurance Commission and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas to apply for a Microinsurance Agent License.

Since its launch in January 2011, 208 rural bank representatives from 99 rural banks have been trained under the Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation Inc. Microinsurance Basic Training Course. Upcoming course will also be held on August 11-12 in Ozamiz City, August 18-19 in Davao City and in …

Microinsurance Basic Training Batch 7 conducted by RBAP with the Metro Manila Federation

Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines-Microenterprise Access to Banking Services (RBAP-MABS) Program assisted Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation Inc. (RBRDFI) conduct the seventh (7th) batch of rural banks for the two-day Microinsurance Basic Training Course last July 14-15, 2011. This qualifies the represented rural banks to apply for Microinsurance Agent licensing with the Insurance Commission and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP).

Organized by the Metro Manila Federation under the leadership of Mr. Davidson Pascual, the largest Microinsurance Basic Training was attended by thirty-three (33) participants comprised of officers, managers and front liners from thirteen (13) rural banks from Metro Manila and its peripheral municipalities. The RBAP MI Training employed a mix of group workshops and simulation activities that kept the trainees engaged and active.


Participants listened as Ms. Liamzon-Miller delivers her message during the training

RBAP training for rural banks covers the fundamentals of microinsurance selling, marketing and …

More Rural Banks in Leyte Complete Microinsurance Basic Training Course

Twenty-one (21) bank officers, managers and staff from sixteen (16) rural bank members of the Leyte-Samar-Biliran Federation completed the Microinsurance Basic Training Course conducted by USAID-supported Rural Bankers Association of the Philippines-Microenterprise Access to Banking Services (RBAP-MABS) Program and Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation Inc (RBRDFI) on July 29, 2011. The training course is an initial requirement for a rural bank’s application as Microinsurance Agent licensed by the Insurance Commission and the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas. The course participants also successfully completed the qualifying examinations administered at the end of the course, which may qualify them as Microinsurance Soliciting Officers.

The Leyte-Samar-Biliran Federation, led by Federation President Rosario Ong Veloso, threw in their full support, making the course the most attended by rural banks since the course was launched in January 2011. This training brings to ninety (90) the total number of rural banks that have been trained in …

RBAP-MABS & PLIA hold workshop on performance monitoring of microinsurance for life insurance companies

On May 25, RBAP-MABS, with support from USAID/Philippines and the Philippine Life Insurance Association (PLIA), jointly conducted a microinsurance performance monitoring forum for 43 representatives from 25 of the association’s member companies. The main resource person for the activity was RBAP-MABS Microinsurance Consultant and internationally known expert, Mr. Michael McCord.

The activity built on the significant developments in regulations for microinsurance providers, especially Insurance Memo Circular 05-2011 on the Performance Standards for Microinsurance providers released by the Insurance Commission in January 2011. Core to the discussion was the importance of monitoring financial performance indicators in assessing the sustained viability of microinsurance for commercial life insurance companies. Mr. McCord also stressed that venturing into the business of microinsurance requires a commitment to ensuring that services are delivered in the most efficient and appropriate manner for clients.

The activity concluded with PLIA President George Mercado assuring participants that the association will continue …

RBAP-MABS conducts microinsurance workshop for rural banks

The Rural Bankers Research and Development Foundation, Inc. (RBRDFI) and the RBAP-MABS program supported by USAID/Philippines organized a half-day microinsurance workshop for rural banks on May 27. The workshop was primarily aimed at further enhancing the knowledge and capability of rural banks as microinsurance agents and brokers.

Facilitated by RBAP-MABS Microinsurance Consultant Michael McCord, the event was participated in by nine representatives from eight rural banks trained by RBAP in Basic Microinsurance.  Also in attendance were members of the RBAP-MABS team and two members from the RBRDFI team for microinsurance.

Mr. McCord engaged the participants in a course of simulation games and interactive group activities built on topics such as the value of microinsurance, its fundamental principles and strategies for selling microinsurance by rural banks.  While this deepened the learning of basic concepts and principles for rural bank trainees, the RBRDFI microinsurance training team picked up new approaches to expand …

RBAP conducts its 5th Microinsurance Basic Training in Cebu

Eighteen (18) officers and staff of eleven (11) rural banks participated in the 2-day Microinsurance Basic Training held on May 4 and 5 at the Golden Prince Hotel in Cebu City.  Stated goals of the participants included (1) increased understanding of the concept and principles of microinsurance; (2) identification of criteria for partnership selection, and (3) awareness of requirements and procedures for regulatory compliance in offering Microinsurance.

With this in mind, the Microinsurance Training Team employed a mix of lectures, workshops and simulation activities to ensure that the participants not only learn the basic concepts of microinsurance, but also aim to pursue responsible microinsurance marketing and servicing as licensed microinsurance agents/brokers.  The Microinsurance Agent Licensing Kit containing step-by-step guides and templates was provided to all participants. This kit is to assist the participants’ respective banks through microinsurance service enhancements and regulatory compliance procedures prescribed by the Insurance Commission (IC) and …